
cost accounting 成本會計。

cost accounts

Cam cost account manager 成本帳目經理

Cost accounting standards 成本計算標準

Research on allocation item cost of operation and anesthesia by current cost accounting 麻醉項目進行成本測算的研究報告

Cost accounts calendar 成本報表的日歷時間

To make a cost accounting of disease by means of cost accounting for enterprise 借鑒企業成本核算方法進行病種成本核算

The cost accounting and quality control in the geological construction company 淺談地勘施工企業質量成本的核算與控制

Research on both the theory and practice of cost accounting of chinese hospitals 我國醫院成本核算理論和實踐問題探討

Data structure analysis of university s projects cost accounting amp; management 高校項目經費核算與管理數據結構分析

Analysis cost accounting for rm used , labor cost and efficiency production 分析原材料使用成本、人工費及生產效率。

Research on disease cost accounting by drgs appendectomy operation weight 闌尾切除術權重系數對病種費用測算的研究

Occupational experience experience in auditing , cost accounting and taxation 有審計、成本會計和稅務方面的經驗。

The characteristics of cost accounting in automation system production enterprise 自動化系統生產企業會計核算特點

Cost accounting by elements 按要素核算的成本會計

Idea of integration of fiscal accounting and cost accounting in hospital 醫院會計核算與成本核算一體化的思路

Continuous process cost accounting 連續步序成本會計

Cost accounting manager supervisor 成本經理成本主管

Financial management and cost accounting in highway engineering 的環境政策法規和環境貿易壁壘爭端的解決機制

Have experience of cost accounting 有成本會計相關經驗

The running and considering on the cost accounting in military hospital 軍隊醫院成本核算體制的運行與思考